
Mission Statement

The mission of the World Language Department at 杰克逊的大学 is to prepare students for citizenship in a global community.

This preparation will:

  • Promote an awareness in students of other cultures and provide the skills to better understand and appreciate these cultures;
  • Teach verbal and written communication skills in a language other than their own;
  • Prepare students for further language study and careers that may require proficiencies in languages other than 英语.

Study of a foreign language is becoming more of a benefit in today’s increasingly global society. Students going into business, 教育, 制造业, 法律, 医学, social work and more can benefit by knowledge of an/or proficiency in a second language. Study of a foreign language can boost your own language and critical thinking skills, expose you to new cultures, or allow one to explore their own cultural heritage.

盖瑞·雅各布斯 教授,